Top tips to help tackle loneliness in the elderly
There are lots of ways you can do your bit to help lonely or socially isolated elderly people. More than 80 per cent of older people have admitted to feeling lonely in their care home and long for staff to spend time with them.
Start a conversation
It's not always easy to know who or how to help - a good start is simply to stop and talk. If you think an older person may be feeling lonely or isolated, make an effort to talk to them, speak clearly so they can hear you. Pause between sentences and questions to give them chance to digest the information. And allow a little extra time for them to respond - don't hurry them.
Offer practical help
Ask them if they need any help with tasks such as shopping, posting letters, picking up prescriptions and medicines. Offer to accompany them to activities or doctors' and hospital appointments, the library, hairdressers or faith services. If someone is finding an activity or task difficult then they will probably not do it, your support can help them keep routine in their day.
Share your time
Half of older people consider the television their main form of company. Be their friend and listen to their stories and problems, these kinds of conversations can have a lasting impact. If someone takes time to talk to a person, whether it be over a cup of tea or helping with a practical task, then their wellbeing is going to be improved.
Avoid isolation
Not everyone has a bright and outgoing personality and many often lack the confidence to join in conversation – particularly if they are new. Make an effort to introduce new residents to old and include everyone during group activities. Encourage dining with others, the act of eating is inherently social and will help develop friendships. No one’s ever too old to make new friends.
Encourage volunteers
Encourage friends and family to give up some of their time to volunteer at a care home. Many residents have no family or friends to visit and little connection to their local community. For these people the sense of isolation can be equally as pronounced as for those living alone. Find a Befriending scheme such as: - the person you're helping will reap health benefits, and you'll find you will as well.